The Difference Between Working with a Big IP Firms vs. a Trademark Specialized Team
July 29, 2021

When it comes time to register patents and trademarks, choosing the right firm to work with can be a daunting task.
Big firms working in IP carry a lot of weight, and it can be appealing to be represented by a firm that has some landmark cases in its history. But many of these big firms are used to working with large corporations and registering hundreds of trademarks at a time. Often, these firms won’t even accept clients if the latter can’t provide the volume of trademarks required or be able to pay the high fees with that volume of legal work.
For companies in the middle, who need help in the management of a number of important patents and trademarks but do not need the infrastructure (or costs) of a big firm, there’s a different type of trademark firm that can better match their needs.
At IpHorgan, we tailor our services to individual needs. We choose to work with a smaller client base in order to be able to better accommodate our clients. For instance, if Client A wants a list of matters for action every Monday — we can do that; if Client B would prefer it once a quarter — we can do that, and if client C would prefer a weekly call — we can do that. Often, this kind of customization is not available when working with a firm that is purely focused on client volume and billable hours.Agility
In a large law firm, if a client needs a particular matter to be handled in a special way or at a discount, this will often have to be run through a committee. At IpHorgan, we can agree to these types of requests on the spot, without wasting time on additional bureaucracy.Stability
From the perspective of the client, a large firm can lack stability. Large firms tend to throw lots of people at projects. Attorneys see assignments as stepping stones, and lawyers are continually moving up within the organization or moving out. At IpHorgan, attorneys are looking to make careers here. They come to know each client and their goals personally and stick with them for years, developing the relationship.A Standard of Quality
One thing that all clients, no matter how big or how small, get from IpHorgan is work of the highest quality. We provide all of the experience, the knowledge, and the capabilities of a big firm, but in a nimble package, and at prices that are sustainable and won’t make you try to avoid your trademark firm because you can’t afford their input on a regular basis. At IpHorgan, we offer you insight that can only be acquired and meticulously developed during our 15 year history as a team with over 200 years cumulative professional experience working on intellectual property transactions with businesses in nearly every sector of the U.S. and global economy. Let’s put your intellectual property in good hands, for the long term. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!IpHorgan
At IpHorgan, we offer you insight that can only be acquired and meticulously developed during our 15 year history as a team with over 200 years cumulative professional experience working on intellectual property transactions with businesses in nearly every sector of the U.S. and global economy.